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Converber 0.6.0

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Converber 0.6.0 Empty Converber 0.6.0

Mesazh nga Binnz Fri Jan 01, 2010 3:13 pm

Converber is a unit converter. It is a powerful software utility that will help make easy conversions between more than 300 various units of measure in 22 categories. Converber converts everything from length and force to flow and temperature. See some of the features listed below.


Gives immediate access to all units or single category
Converts as you type, so no convert button is required
Includes equation editor to add your own custom units
Allows you to select/unselect the conversion file(s)
Can change the number of significant digits of the output
Option to select decimal-point precision
Option to select scientific notation only
Inverts selected units with the quick swap feature
Displays the category to give further information
Converts left-to-right OR right-to-left
Runs stand-alone using no dll's or registry settings
Remembers last window position (if desired)
Comes with extensive help file
Supports transparency (Windows 2000, XP only)
Supports a multi-language user interface

Version History
2005-3-23: v0.6.0
Added on-line help file option
Fixed font bug for vertical text (Thanks YDY!)
Trimmed large equation file AGAIN by over 50% (Apologies to those with custom equation files, but this should be the last time)
Re-hauled the code to work with the slimmer equation file



Postimet : 3827
Points : 550865
Join date : 04/10/2009
Vendbanimi : New Jersey

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